
Kate Storey was born in Melbourne, Australia. She works from Boudica Digital offering strategic design, service design and design research services. Kate is also finalising her PhD at RMIT University’s School of Architecture and Urban Design, specialising in researching and designing visitor service experiences in complex heritage settings. That research scaffolds an Art History undergraduate with twenty years of work in the UK and Australia across various roles, with responsibility for producing and managing multi-channel service experiences for global businesses and brands.

In 2010 Kate returned to Australia, specialised in e-commerce and was involved in setting up some of the country’s first online stores. In 2015 a return to study saw Kate graduate from RMIT’s Master of Design Futures with distinction, whilst also consulting to hone her commercial service design practice. Kate is a pragmatic designer with years of commercial experience at senior levels; she enjoys working with multi-disciplinary teams in complex settings and has mastered various design tools and research methods to facilitate transformational change.


Please contact Kate via LinkedIn if you want to discuss potential projects or collaboration opportunities.