Montsalvat Arts Festival 2019

Figure 1: Kate Storey (2019) Visitors to Montsalvat Arts Festival in Kate’s studio, photograph.
On the 5th and 6th of October 2019, I exhibited my research at the Montsalvat Arts Festival. The annual festival welcomes the public inside the studios at Montsalvat. It was an excellent opportunity to share my work and to test its impact with a range of local audiences, including academics, visitors and employees from the cultural heritage sector. There was much interest in my work and some generous feedback. Several methods, including a series of posters of the founding community, created great engagement. They helped surface and visually communicate my findings about their lives and careers at Montsalvat. Archival photographs depicting the founders crafting the heritage-listed buildings from mudbrick and reclaimed materials obtained from Whelan the Wrecker were also popular – because they brought the past to life. The photograph in Figure 1 shows some visitors exploring the posters in my studio.